The (Real!) Tuesday View: 3rd and 4th October 2017

Well, yesterday just slipped away – it was a bank holiday here (Day of German Unity – can you believe it is already 28 years since the Berlin Wall came down?!) and one thing led to another and the fact that it was a Tuesday didn’t dawn on me until dusk.

So here is the view on a Wednesday – the Acer is about as good as it gets and not quite as stunning as some years but gorgeous nonetheless.

From above…

From below…

From the side…

The Sedums are deepening in colour, the Helianthus are going over after being battered by heavy wind and rain, the first Asters are starting to fade and the pink Alma Pötschke is about to take the stage. It is looking untidy everwhere with fallen leaves and decaying foliage, but I just love these colours and the disorder never bothers me at this time of year. Do join me if you like, and post one view of your garden through the changing seasons, leaving a link in the comments below.

Are you seeing lots of colour in your garden this week?

30 thoughts on “The (Real!) Tuesday View: 3rd and 4th October 2017

    • We still have a lot of colour to come, but the Japanese Acers peak around now. The shades of red are first, along with yellow birch and oak, then we get lots of different shades of yellow and copper until late November! 🙂

  1. Pingback: Tuesday View 3rd October 2017 – Creating my own garden of the Hesperides

    • We had a very very dry summer in 2015 and the trees shed their leaves and then actually sprouted new ones when it cooled down in September. So I can imagine your garden feels like spring has arrived after suffering such heat this year. 🙂

  2. Cathy Acer is gorgeous. I love the autumnal colors you have and the plants changing to Autumn. Its beautiful! I love the smell of wet fallen leaves. Have a happy week Greetings from Margarita.

  3. Twenty-eight years? Oh my, that’s surprising to me, but I suppose it shouldn’t be. I remember exactly where I was when we all celebrated the reunification, and it pleases me to hear that Germany celebrates that event each year. Your garden continues to be so beautiful, Cathy. I, too, admire the Acer! 🙂

    • Yes, it was one of those events where everyone remembers what they were doing when they heard about it. There are still a lot of inequalities between east and west, but let’s hope things will slowly improve.

    • 🙂 I am so glad I managed to get some photos yesterday – very strong winds and rain today have brought down quite a few of the leaves and the moment of glory has faded for another year. Sigh…

  4. I wouldn’t have guess it was anything like 28 years – but I am glad there is a special day for remembering it. I was intrigued by the pink ‘blobs’ but assume they are the Alma Pötschke asters?

    • 🙂 Yes, the ‘blobs’ are Alma, and she is now opening just in time for the storm to spoil her (I picked a bunch just before the rain started!)

  5. Hard to believe, indeed, it’s been 28 years since the Berlin wall came down. Even after that many years, it’s still true that I lived 3/5 of my life with an East Germany and a West Germany. It was just an unfortunate fact of life. I remember wondering if I’d ever live to see the end of the Communist dictatorships in eastern Europe.

    • I didn’t actually believe it would ever come down Steve. Shortly after the event I met some Korean students while travelling in Berlin and they asked me if I thought their wall would fall too. They were so optimistic! I hope they live to see a reunited Korea.

  6. This is one year that we happened to be in Germany for your celebrations. We were driving from Austria to the Black Forest town of Baiersbronn and wondered why there was so much traffic on the roads. When we arrived at our hotel, we were told it was reunification day. Of course there was a be celebration with Champagne that evening. It seemed very special to us as we had visited Berlin for the first time just a few weeks ago.

    • I haven’t been to Berlin for years… shortly after the wall came down actually, but I know a lot has changed there since then! One day I’ll go and take a look at it again. 🙂

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